Define Custom Variables

Defining custom case study values.

Define Custom Variables

To access this dialog:

This dialog is used to define custom variables and corresponding values for use within formulae. For example, you may wish to use a constant ratio throughout several product pricing formulae, and want to refer to a constant variable that can be updated at a later stage, keeping all other formulae in line instead of having to manually edit them all.

Field Details:

ID: a unique identifier for your variable. A default ID will be created, but this can be edited. An ID must

  • Start with a letter

  • Only contain alphanumeric characters or underscores

  • Be shorter than 12 characters

This label will appear in the Define Formula dialog.


Description: enter a description of the variable so it is clear what it is used for.

Value: a numeric decimal value that will be the constant value represented by the variable. For example; "0.0005" is accepted but "5/10000" is not. This value cannot contain arithmetic expressions or letters. Negative values can be specified.


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Related Topics


Define Custom Variables

Define Formula